Sunday, September 28, 2008

8 weeks out!

Things are shaping up very nicely at the 8 week mark. I have lost 10 lbs in 8 weeks, have 8 weeks to go and 5 lbs to lose. George is slowing me down some...I get a cheat meal tonight....wa hoo! burger here i come!

My gym is closed for a week, and its a stress I dont need right now...I have to drive an extra 10 miles 1 way to the next town over to train til they get the move finished. Living in the boonies, we dont have a gym on every block like a city does. we have 1....and this week none!

leaves are peaked and its been a gorgeous month here... i love fall.

the o was this weekend and i must give a shout to my friend jen for winning the fitness o, and george for taking 5th in the 202 class. its the best hes ever proud of him.

thanks for stopping to have my burger now!

1 comment:

Curt said...

Your gym closed for a week??? You're a national-level competitor! couldn't they have given you a key or set up some accommodations for you? Zoinks!