Friday, January 27, 2012

13 weeks out

13 WEEKS OUT! weight is holding at 118..that is with reduced cardio and a weekly cheat meal added. feeling a bit under the weather these last 2 days...just enough to feel like i have zero energy but not enough to really take anything for it. very excited about orlando...joel and i are hitting universal studios the sunday after the i changed my flight to go out late sunday. never done any of the attractions in orlando so i am really excited. always have an adventure when i hang with bigJ!

arnold is 5 weeks away...looking forward to seeing everyone and getting away for a few days.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

change of plans!

I have decided to do the Europa in orlando in april! i am just too excited to wait til may and this is the perfect show for me..ez flight and CHEAP....LOL! PJ and i feel i am ready to hit here we go!

the above link is my current pics for my transformation......

Sunday, January 1, 2012

happy new year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! this is my new years resolution to keep this thing updated. So here I go starting the new year on the right foot.

I am currently morphing my former BBer physique to that of a physique competitor. I am really happy with how I am looking and feeling. I have enlisted the help of PJ Braun, friend and fellow species athlete. In 14 weeks I have managed to drop 20 lbs of fat and muscle to where I am seeing myself in the shape of 2008-09. Being bigger as a pro just wasnt making me happy. Being more petite and streamlined has made me more comfortable and happy in my own skin. You will see my debut at the NY PRO and TORONTO SUPERSHOW this spring. I am very excited for what 2012 will bring!

Gearing up for the Arnold in 8 weeks where i will be working the species booth once again w my fellow favorite peeps..Nicole, Melissa, Jilli, PJ, Ann Mo Kat and of course one of my favorite people JOEL, my species family !

Well there you have it....IM BACK! heres to a kick azz 2012!