Sunday, July 13, 2008

20th high school reunion

how time flies! I had my 20th reunion this was great seeing everyone. I must admit a few people looked so different I didnt recongize them ( good and bad). I reconnected with several close friends ..ann, kerry, jess and kim..and it was so nice to see how far people have come, how theyve changed and to talk about old times. I was a really party girl in school, and my life couldnt be farther from that now!

19 weeks til i hit nationals. 3 weeks til prep starts, i an stoked for it. no messing around ..i am bringing my A game..this ones mine.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

20 weeks to go!

Just at about the 20 week mark for nationals. I'm feeling ready, ready in the regard that I feel I have brought up my weaknesses. I am sitting at about 130, so 15 lbs to go, not bad.

I have had a crazy few weeks, judged in Syracuse and Rochester ...prepped mt GF gina for her 1st show...the rochester show. she had a blast and took 4th in the LH class. Went to Chicago to visit my BFF Michele, and hit Jr nationals night show. Good to see everyone...helps to get in the mind set for prep myself.

Im also heading to masters in a few weeks to support friends and help my girlfriend Margo with her booth . 20th high school reunion is next week. I am plannng on going, but have been feeling like chickening out.....i hated that time in my life.